Professor of Politics and International Relations at FGV
Rise of the Nonaligned: Who Wins in a Multipolar World? Foreign Affairs. (January 2025).
The US, The West and International Law in an Age of Strategic Competition. Justice Breyer Lecture at Brookings Institution. (April 2024) See commentary on the lecture by Ishaan Tharoor, The fallacy of the "West versus the rest" worldview, The Washington Post, April 9, 2024).
What Happened to Lula? How He Dashed High Hopes for Brazil's Foreign Policy - and How He Can Get Back on Track. Foreign Affairs (February 2024).
The Upside of Western Hypocrisy: How the Global South Can Push America to Do Better. Foreign Affairs (July 2023).
In Defense of the Fence Sitters: What the West Gets Wrong about Hedging. Foreign Affairs, Vol 10, Number 3: 8-16. Special issue on The Nonaligned World: The West, the Rest, and the New Global Disorder. (May/June 2023).
Brazil Case Study. In Opening Up Democratic Spaces, edited by Rachel Riedl, Paul Friesen, Jennifer McCoy, Kennedy Roberts, and Murat Somer. USAID (July 2023).
UN Security Council Reform: What the World Thinks - Brazil. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. With Stewart Patrick et al. (June 2023). ​
Confronting Climate Skepticism in Brazil: Recommendations for Communicators. São Paulo, Brazil: School of Internatinal Relations at FGV. With Guilherme N. Fasolin and Vitória Totti Salgado (eds.) (2023). Portuguese version
What Lula’s Return Means for the Amazon: The Fate of the Brazilian Rainforest Has Global Implications. Foreign Affairs. With Guilherme Fasolin (November 2022).
Prospects for Nuclear Governance in Brazil, An Independent Report by Togzhan Kassenova, Lucas Florentino and Matias Spektor (March 2020). Portuguese version
Bolsonaro will regret baiting China the Chinese Tiger, The Financial Times (December 2018).
Brazil's Nuclear Naval Fuel: Choices and a Road Map for Productive Engagement. Institute for International Science & Technology Policy, Occasional Paper Series, Reducing Risks from Naval Nuclear Fuel (October 2018).
Si no logra los cambios prometidos, la ola también se lo tragará, La Nacion (October 2018).
It's Not Just the Right That's Voting for Bolsonaro. It's Everyone, Foreign Policy (October 2018).
How Brazil's Operation Car Wash Is Threatened by Politicians, Foreign Affairs (May 2018).
Prospects for Safeguarding Brazil's Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program. Issue Brief. Federation of American Scientists (August 2017).
How to Fix Brazil: Breaking an Addiction to Bad Government. Foreign Affairs: 102-110. With Eduardo Mello (September/October 2016).
AQ Top 5 Corruption Busters: Sérgio Moro, Americas Quarterly (October 2016).
Five Goals for Brazil's New Foreign Policy, Americas Quarterly (October 2016).
A política externa de tucanos e petistas, Folha de São Paulo, Ilustríssima (Outubro de 2015).
The State of Brazil's South American Project. Inter-American Dialogue: 1-11 (June 2014).
U.S. Nuclear Accommodation of Brazil a Model for Iran Policy? World Politics Review (July 2013).
Humanitarian Interventionism Brazilian Style? Americas Quarterly (Summer 2012).
One Foot in the Region: Eyes on the Global Prize, Americas Quarterly: 56-61 (Spring 2011).
Brazil-China: What's Next After Rousseff's Visit? Americas Quarterly (April 2011).