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​Introducing the Latin American Transnational Surveillance Database (LATS). Journal of Peace Research. With Marcos R. Fernandes, Lucas O. Paes, João Dalla Pola and Vitor Sion. (OnlineFirst)


The Global South in the Nuclear Age. In The Cambridge History of the Nuclear Age, edited by Leopoldo Nuti and Christian Ostermann. (Accepted for publication)


Climate Change Beliefs and their Correlates in Latin America. Nature Communications, 14, 7241 (2023). With Guilherme Fasolin and Juliana Camargo. Supplementary Material


Nationalist Backlash Against Foreign Climate Shaming. Global Environmental Politics, 22, no 1 (2022): 139–58. With Umberto Mignozzetti and Guilherme Fasolin. Supplementary Material


Public Support for Nuclear Proliferation: Experimental Evidence from BrazilJournal of Global Security Studies, 7, no 4 (2022): 1-11. With Guilherme Fasolin and Juliana Camargo. Supplementary Material


Strategies of Rising Brazil: Postmortem Review, Looking Forward. Contemporary Politics, 28, no 1 (2021): 20-37.


Regionalism and Political Violence: Hegemony through Transnational Social Compacts in Cold War South America. In Latin America in Global International Relations, edited by Amitav Acharya, Melisa Deciancio, and Diana Tussie. Routledge, 2021.


‘We Are Not a Nonproliferation Agency’: Henry Kissinger’s Failed Attempt to Accommodate Nuclear Brazil, 1974–1977. Journal of Cold War Studies, 22, no 2 (2020): 58–93. With Carlo Patti. 


Nuclear Revolution and Hegemonic Hierarchies: how global Hiroshima played out in South America. In The Age of Hiroshima, edited by Michael D. Gordin & G. John Ikenberry, 164-178. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 2020.


Without Reversal: Brazil as a Latent Nuclear State. In Nuclear Latency and Hedging, edited by Joseph F. Pilat, 175-199. Washington D.C.: Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, 2019.


República na era da globalização. In Dicionário da República: 51 textos críticos, edited by Lilia Moritz Schwarcz and Heloisa Murgel Starling. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 2019.


Brazil: When Political Oligarchies Limit Polarization but Fuel Populism. In Democracies Divided: The Global Challenge of Political Polarization, edited by Thomas Carothers & Andrew O'Donohue, 228-254. Washington DC: Brookings Institution Press, 2019. With Umberto Mignozzetti.


Diplomacia da Ruptura. In Democracia em risco? 22 ensaios sobre o Brasil hoje, 228-254. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 2019.


Brazil: The Costs of Multiparty Presidentialism. Journal of Democracy, 29, no 2 (2018): 113-127. With Eduardo Mello.


The Evolution of Brazil's Nuclear Intentions. The Nonproliferation Review, 23, no 5 (2016): 635-652. 


Brazil: Shadows of the Past and Contested Ambitions. In Shaper Nations: Strategies for a Changing World, edited by William I. Hitchcock, Melvyn P. Leffler, Jeffrey W. Legro, 17-35. Harvard University Press, 2016. 
O projeto autonomista na política externa brasileira. In Política Externa, Espaço e Desenvolvimento, edited by Aristides Monteiro Neto, 19-60. 1ed. Brasília: Ipea, v. 3, 2014.

Brazilian Assessment of the End of the Cold War. In The end of the Cold War in the Third World: new perspectives on regional conflict, edited by Artemy M. Kalinovsky and Sergey Radchenko, 229-244. New York: Routledge, 2011.

Obama and Brazil. In Shifting the Balance: Obama and the Americas, edited by Abraham F. Lowenthal, Theodore J. Piccone and Laurence Whitehead, 43-53, Brookings Institution Press, 2011.




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